Sireum can be retrieved using installers or from source. The main advantage of using the source distribution is that updates can be done incrementally while the binary distribution requires complete re-installation. On the other hand, source distribution requires more setup. The source distribution should be used by Sireum developers and code contributors, while users are recommended to use the installer scripts.

Note that, the latest pre-built binary installed by the scripts might be behind the latest source commit, but it does not require source compilation (faster). The installer’s pre-built binary is more frequently updated than the GitHub release binary distribution, and it is what is used to build Sireum itself at every commit.


Using Installer Scripts

You can set up Sireum by downloading and running its initialization script as follows (curl is required; DIR can be set to another path for Sireum home bin directory):

(DIR=Sireum && export SIREUM_V=master && rm -fR $DIR && mkdir -p $DIR/bin && cd $DIR/bin && curl -JLso$SIREUM_V/bin/ && bash
cmd /V /C "set DIR=Sireum&& set SIREUM_V=master&& (if exist !DIR! rd /S /Q !DIR!) && md !DIR!\bin && cd !DIR!\bin && curl -JLso init.bat!SIREUM_V!/bin/init.bat && init.bat"

Note that this installation approach is using GitHub anonymous connection, thus subject to rate limiting. To remove the limit, set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to one of your GitHub tokens.

To use a specific version of Sireum, replace master with a release version (> 4.202211*) listed at in the command line above.

Git Source Distribution


Note that Sireum stores small, pre-built binary dependencies in its repositories. Virus analysis results are provided in the respective submodule repositories for macOS, Linux, and Windows.


In a console terminal:

git clone --recursive Sireum
Sireum/bin/build.cmd setup  # for non-POSIX shell, prefix with sh
git clone --recursive Sireum
Sireum\bin\build.cmd setup

The above install Sireum command-line interface (CLI) and its IntelliJ-based Integrated Verification Environment (IVE), as well as their dependencies. Set the SIREUM_HOME env var to the Sireum path above.

To update later on, simply do a git pull --recurse-submodules and re-run build.cmd. Note that after a setup update, it is best to invalidate IntelliJ’s cache files and restart by using IntelliJ’s File -> Invalidate Caches... menu item and select Clear all file system cache and Local History.

  • Occasionally, there might be new API used in build.cmd that is available in the pre-built binary online but not in your local copy. This issue happens because build.cmd uses Sireum itself, hence it is a bootstrapping issue. This issue typically manifests by build.cmd failing to compile/execute due to missing methods/classes. In that case, first delete your local sireum.jar (and, if any) in the bin directory and then re-run build.cmd setup.

  • If building Sireum somehow failed still, try cleaning the repo:


    The clean scripts remove all Sireum-related cache directories and revert any changes and delete new files in the local git repository.

    After cleaning, re-run git pull --recurse-submodules (possibly multiple times until it reaches a good fix-point where git status indicates that its working tree is clean) and build.cmd setup.

    If all else fails, try recursively re-clone Sireum.

Native Executable

It is recommended to compile Sireum (and Slash build scripts) to native as it removes JVM boot up time.

First, install GraalVM native-image’s prerequisites (note: native-image for Windows requires Visual Studio Community/Enterprise); then, to build Sireum native executable:

${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/build.cmd native
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\build.cmd native
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\build.cmd native
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\build.cmd native

The compiled native binary is located at:


Note that once the native version is available (and has a newer timestamp), sireum and sireum.bat in bin call the native version. This is also similar for build.cmd in bin.

Remote Development Setup (Experimental)

IntelliJ Ultimate now supports remote development from a Linux server reachable using ssh, and Sireum IVE can be set up on top of it:

  1. Use JetBrains Gateway to install an IntelliJ Ultimate instance in the Linux server.

    Note that the supported instance version of IntelliJ should be compatible with what is listed in with property key org.sireum.version.idea property key). If the listed property value is 20XX.Y.Z or 20XX.Y, then you need to IntelliJ Ultimate build that starts withXXY.

  2. Connect to the server and install Sireum:

    git clone --recursive Sireum
    Sireum/bin/build.cmd setup-server
  3. Open the Sireum path above with JetBrains Gateway/Client.

Installing FMIDE+HAMR


Installing CLion, Coq, Isabelle and Other Tools

${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/install/acl2.cmd        #
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/install/alt-ergo.cmd    #
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/install/antlrworks.cmd  #
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/install/clion.cmd       #
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/install/compcert.cmd    #
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/install/coq.cmd         #
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/install/graal.cmd       #
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/install/isabelle.cmd    #
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\sireum\antlrworks.cmd    & ::
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\sireum\clion.cmd         & ::
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\sireum\graal.cmd         & ::
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\sireum\isabelle.cmd      & ::

Using Sireum

To launch the Sireum CLI, IVE, or FMIDE+HAMR:

${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/sireum                      # CLI
open ${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/mac/idea/       # IVE
open ${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/mac/          # FMIDE+HAMR
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/sireum                      # CLI
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/linux/idea/bin/       # IVE
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/linux/fmide/fmide           # FMIDE+HAMR
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/sireum                      # CLI
${SIREUM_HOME}/bin/linux/arm/idea/bin/   # IVE
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\sireum.bat                   & :: CLI
%SIREUM_HOME%\bin\win\idea\bin\IVE.exe         & :: IVE
start /B %SIREUM_HOME%\bin\win\fmide\fmide.exe & :: FMIDE+HAMR

See Sireum Documentation for more information.